Have your say!

We'd love to deliver a timetable perfect for you. Classes with the most votes will certainly get a try on the timetable. We will be adding in classes over the next few weeks and the full new timetable will be in place by September so please do speak to us. As a side note 9:30ams are definitely coming back.

All responses are completely anonymous.

* There are a couple of NEW classes coming so please click here for brief descriptions.
Please tick your first choice class in each time slot. 

MON 8am

MON 9:30am

MON 6pm

MON 7pm

MON 8pm

TUE 8am

TUE 9:30

TUE 6pm

TUE 7pm

TUE 8pm

WED 8am

WED 9:30

WED 6pm

WED 7pm

WED 8pm

THU 8am

THU 9:30

THU 6pm

THU 7pm

THU 8pm

FRI 8am

FRI 9:30

FRI 5pm

FRI 6pm

SAT 8am

SAT 9am

SAT 10am

SAT 11am

SUN 9am

SUN 10am